Age of wonders 3 deleting units
Age of wonders 3 deleting units

even less if you look at turn based ones. There is very little grande fantasy strategy games nowerdays.

age of wonders 3 deleting units

people love fantasy, even more with all the buildup nostalgia. I think we can agree there is a big market for fantasy games. Why age of wonder 4 and not age of wonder "something else"? (unless devs are tired with the franchise and want to try something new ^^) It is the best time to speak about what we may want in a potential future age of wonder title.

age of wonders 3 deleting units age of wonders 3 deleting units

i don't think any developpment have been made yet on a potential new age of wonder game and the year 2020 is ending. Replaying AOW3 after an extensive amount of planetfall made me think on what kind of age of wonder 4 i would like to see.

Age of wonders 3 deleting units